Jye CitizenBack to SchoolI know not everyone is back to school, but it’s about that time. Time where reality hits and we’re back in the classroom or back on the...
Jye CitizenPoetryScalethe Scale was in balance, at a time. two different objects on either end, physical mental yet still, it...
Jye CitizenPoetryNext Stop“next stop Sycamore & Drake” it gets repetitive right? hitting the same spots every day. But I guess I kinda like it “next stop Sycamore,...
Jye CitizenPoetrySilver RainIn time of Silver rain, it rained through the dark sky. Sky, the vast variations of blue that spread above, above the people on this...
Jye CitizenPoetryBetween the Surface and the BottomWet Floating body Eyes open, burning Fight pain, witness beauty Pain is beauty? Listen Muffled sounds, quite quiet Lose outside, to hear...